How I chose between Angular vs React?

Deepak Tiwari
5 min readDec 5, 2020

Case Study | Preferential Analysis | UI Framework

Out of all the front end development frameworks in the market, the two that have found a place in the list of Top 15 JS Frameworks for 2019 are React and Angular. And this article is concentrated on them both.

Logo : ReactJS & Angular


ReactJS is an open-source JavaScript library introduced by Facebook to build dynamic user interfaces. It is based on JavaScript and JSX (a PHP extension) and is considered widely for developing reusable HTML elements for front-end development.

Whereas, Angular is an open-source front-end development framework powered by Google. It is a part of MEAN stack and is compatible with many code editors and is considered for creating dynamic websites and web apps.

The two front-end development frameworks are used by various reputed brands, including: -

Brands using Angular & React

Both React and Angular have the same ranking on above scale.

Factors for Choosing Framework

Learning Curve

  1. If the Team has good knowledge of Angular and React, then the learning curve is not an issue.

Better User Experience

● Timesaving

Quick Development

Faster Testing

● Code Stability with One-Unidirectional Data Binding

Mobile Solutions

React is the right fit for your app project when: -

Cleaner Code

● High Performance

Material Design like Interface

Better Error Handling

● Seamless Updates using AngularCLI

Mobile Solutions

Complete Javascript UI Framework

Now let’s see some Technical Parameters. Below is the Performance benchmark results from

Keyed implementations create an association between the domain data and a dom element by assigning a ‘key’. If data changes the dom element with that key will be updated. In consequence inserting or deleting an element in the data array causes a corresponding change to the dom. More Green ~ More Stable.

Angular is more of component-based architecture. You can assume everything as component like directives, services and so on. While directives and services are for the support of base components, they are also defined in similar fashion. A base component contains of dependencies, a view details and class declaration which may be considered as controller. So, a well-defined component consists of individual set of MVC architecture.

Example (Current angular 2/4 version)

import {Component} from ‘@angular/core’;


selector: ‘custom-component’,

template URL: ‘./template.html’,

styleUrls: [‘./style.scss’],


export class CustomComponent {}

In the above example you can see that class “home” may be assumed as controller, View is written with @View decorator. The component customisation is given by @component decorator. Also, you can see different dependencies injection practice.

In a nutshell, Angular is component based MVC framework.

Cross Browser Support

In Angular CLI version 8 and higher, applications are built using differential loading, a strategy where the CLI builds two separate bundles as part of your deployed application.

● The first bundle contains modern ES2015 syntax, takes advantage of built-in support in modern browsers, ships less polyfills, and results in a smaller bundle size.

● The second bundle contains code in the old ES5 syntax, along with all necessary polyfills. This results in a larger bundle size but supports older browsers.

This strategy allows you to continue to build your web application to support multiple browsers, but only load the necessary code that the browser needs. For more information about how this works, see Differential Loading in the Deployment guide.

Is angular good for mobile?

Angular mobile framework to be very good for creating mobile apps. Mobile Angular UI makes the development easy and convenient.

Migration from Angular to React or Vice-Versa.

This is not something that will be easy and is going to give you nightmares as full rewrite may be required. So, we must plan well while choosing a UI Framework.

We must note, that the comparison of React to Angular components is not completely apples to apples. The Angular components were designed with a lot broader responsibility than the React components. Therefore, x % of components do not equal x % of the functionality.

After detailed study we can say that Angular will prove to be an ideal development framework for our Project.

Keyed-In Results Heat-map shows a lot of confidence to Angular. I would go with Angular and choose the latest version with Ivy compiler which has drastic improvement on performance.

We have also analysed the Project UI Features feasibility with respect to React and Angular and it was found that Angular was on slight advantage in terms of built-in capabilities and fast performance.

